An array in PHP is actually an ordered map. A map is a type that associates values to keys. This type is optimized for several different uses; it can be treated as an array, list (vector), hash table (an implementation of a map), dictionary, collection, stack, queue, and probably more. As array values can be other arrays, trees and multidimensional arrays are also possible.
syntax :-
array( key => value ,..... )
// key may be an integer or string.
//value may be any value of any type.
$student = array("English"=>90, "Math"=>77, "Physics"=>80);
Traversing and extracting associative array : -
<head><title>PHP associative array</title></head>
$student = array("English"=>90, "Math"=>77, "Physics"=>80);
foreach ($student as $key=>$value) {
echo $key." : ".$value;
output for the above simple program is :-
English : 90
Math : 77
Physics : 80
Extraction of associative array : -
PHP extract keyword changes all keys of associative array into the variables named them with the key name and assign the value.
Exmaple ;-
Output :-
English : 90
Math : 77
Physics : 80
syntax :-
array( key => value ,..... )
// key may be an integer or string.
//value may be any value of any type.
$student = array("English"=>90, "Math"=>77, "Physics"=>80);
Traversing and extracting associative array : -
<head><title>PHP associative array</title></head>
$student = array("English"=>90, "Math"=>77, "Physics"=>80);
foreach ($student as $key=>$value) {
echo $key." : ".$value;
output for the above simple program is :-
English : 90
Math : 77
Physics : 80
Extraction of associative array : -
PHP extract keyword changes all keys of associative array into the variables named them with the key name and assign the value.
Exmaple ;-
<head><title>PHP associative array</title></head>
$student = array("English"=>90, "Math"=>77, "Physics"=>80);
echo "English : ".$English;
echo "<br/>";
echo " Math :".$Math;
echo "<br/>";
echo "Physics : ".$Physics;
//alternatively we can aslo use this.
echo "English : ".$student['English'];
echo "<br/>";
echo "Math : ".$student['Math'];
echo "<br/>";
echo "Physics : ".$student['Physics'];
Output :-
English : 90
Math : 77
Physics : 80
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